A Learning Community Network (ALCN) is a subscription-based portal that gives subscribers unprecedented access to a whole new experience of online learning.
ALCN is ideal for those who neither have full time nor the money to continue or upgrade their education.
Subscriptions to the ALCN are available free of charge, thanks to the generous donations of Canadians to the Trinity Global Support Foundation (TGSF) and The Glooscap Heritage Society, who are making this learning network available to Canadians wishing to better their lives and preserve their culture.
ALCN includes a wide range of e-learning courses from computer technology, human resources, accounting and general business to customer service as well as personal development and life skills. The ALCN also includes webinars and shared resources that will help facilitate subscribers with a means of collaboration through social media tools.
For groups of learners, there is a tracking tool to monitor each learner’s progress. In addition, there will be tools to help Aboriginal communities in Canada document, preserve and share their language and rich culture which varies immensely across the country.
Subscribe now and enrich your learning experience with ALCN.
ALCN is constantly evolving and new content is being added regularly. Check back often to make the most of your subscription.